Page 4, Chapter 16
Posted July 7, 2014 at 12:00 am
My dear friend Tom has started a Patreon for his comic, Gunnerkrigg Court! It(s one of my favorite comics ever and you should definitely support it.

In case you forgot, I also have a Patreon for Monster Pulse!

Patreon is a great service, I(m really happy that so many artists are using it. I don(t think there has ever been an easier way to directly support webcomics, and allow artists to make money- even a living- from the art they make. I love it because it not only helps webcomics stay online and available to read, it also proves that the work we do can be a job worth being paid for, rather than just a hobby. Thank you so much to everyone who supports Monster Pulse an other webcomics, either financially or through words or actions. It really means a lot.
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